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Home Hobbies Dennis Childhood Guyana


My Hobbies.

I have many things that I enjoy and I do them as often as possible. My favorite thing to do is Shop. I can never get enough of Clothing, Jewelry and Electronics. I love being in style and I love having the latest digital or electronic gadget on the market. I believe these new technology make life easier.I also love Jewelry, whether it's fashion jewelry or real jewelry. It's a tradition of our culture to pass on jewelry from grand parents to parents and then from parents to children. My mother passed down many pieces of jewelry to me that was given to her by her mother. When I get married, my husband's parents and grand parents will pass on jewelry to me as a welcoming gift.

Another past time of mine is Traveling. I enjoy traveling to different countries and experiencing the cultures. I have visited many countries including England, Holland, France, Germany, and Belgium. I saw many different cities and customs throughout the cities. I tried many different dishes completely different from my home-made dishes.


Big Ben in London

This is Big Ben in London, England

Effiel Tower in Paris

This is the Effiel Tower in Paris, France

Belgium Palace

This is the grand palace in Belgium



This is a palace in Germany


Windmill in Holland

This is one of Holland's famous windmill

Lady Shopping